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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yay - a sister for Maddy

Well, today we found out that we are expecting a little girl, I had mixed feelings about what I wanted bubs to be, but am a little excited for Madison. Shame, little Maddy loves kissing my tummy, its almost as if she senses something - even though we have made no attempt at explaining anything to her ... I think 15mths is a little young.

My little big girl has now been weened for about 2-3 weeks and has taken to cows milk in a bottle so easily, I didn't really even try to ween her as I was trying to keep the boobs prept for the new baby. But she was really interested in my mates little girls' milk bottle, so one afternoon I thought I'd try and the rest is history.

On the 30/10 Maddy was weighed and measured, she was 10.1 kgs and 78.5 cm tall. The plunket nurse noticed that her putting on of weight has slowed down, but I said to her that she has started walking since her last weight check.

I must take some recent photos - yes I have been terribly slack with that.